
L1nkUu's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 36 (From 10 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 410 Points

Ben Stiller's 3D Tour of Hell

Medals Earned: 1/10 (10/190 points)

Limbo 10 Points

Enter The First Level of Hell

Lust 10 Points

Enter The Second Level of Hell

Gluttony 10 Points

Enter The Third Level of Hell

Greed 10 Points

Enter The Fourth Level of Hell

Wrath 10 Points

Enter The Fifth Level of Hell

Heresy 10 Points

Enter The Sixth Level of Hell

Violence 10 Points

Enter The Seventh Level of Hell

Fraud 10 Points

Enter The Eigth Level of Hell

Treachery 10 Points

Enter The Ninth Level of Hell

*Smooch Sound Effect* 100 Points

Find and kiss the secret poster

Deal with Putin

Medals Earned: 6/7 (50/60 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Crushed 5 Points

There go my hopes and dreams.

One Shot, One Kill 5 Points

Snipin's a good job, mate! It's challengin' work, outta doors.

25 Kill Streak 5 Points

Tactical nuke, incoming!

The Diplomatic Option 5 Points

The pen is mightier than the sword!

Urine Trouble 5 Points

Better go see a doctor!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Haunt the House

Medals Earned: 2/8 (35/300 points)

Spirit Level 10 Points

Reach maximum atmosphere

Mass Hysteria 25 Points

Freak out 5 people at once

Nobody Home 5 Points

Scare all the people out of the house

The Final Curtain 10 Points

Cause 10 suicides

Nine Tenths of the Law 50 Points

Possess every item

Swinging Party 50 Points

All lights swinging at once

Spice of Life 100 Points

Use every possessable ability

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Madness Collab’23

Medals Earned: 3/5 (15/30 points)

Back 5 Points

Go Back Art

Next 5 Points

Go Next Art

Mute 5 Points

Cilck to button of Mute

Quailty 5 Points

Cilck to button of Quailty

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Madness Roulette

Medals Earned: 3/8 (15/90 points)

Welcome to Madness Roulette! 5 Points

Played the game for the first time

Beat a Bot 5 Points

Won a game of single player

Stylin' 5 Points

Customized your character

Beat a NGer 5 Points

Won a match against someone in online

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Season One Complete! 10 Points

Reached level 50

Relevant 10 Points

Played on Madness Day (9/22)

Michaelsoft Binbows '97

Medals Earned: 14/16 (80/90 points)

Welcome to Michaelsoft Binbows! 5 Points

Thanks for purchasing our new OS!

Michaelsoft Office 5 Points

"There's nobody here."

Monkeh. 5 Points

Monkeh, monkeh.

Milk Sponge 5 Points

Don't harass me its just a reference!

Fat Fish Aquarium 5 Points

See your new pet fish!

Tinfoil OS (C:) 5 Points

Ur PC is slow

Big Ol (D:) 5 Points

You don't have one.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Medium Ham 5 Points

Medium Ham is only limited to playing 1 video.

Michaelsoft Shop 5 Points

Purchase an item!

The Viewer 5 Points

He watches...

Shut Down 5 Points

Uh oh!

Nice and tidy! 5 Points

Keep it clean and sweep up those mines!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Abstract 5 Points

Think, just have a little time to think about some stuff...

In loving memory of a deceased loved one... 5 Points

RIP Shrek 9/11/01

Olive's Art-Venture

Medals Earned: 1/18 (5/360 points)

Art-venture awaits! 5 Points

Begin the game.

Art degree 5 Points

Complete the tutorial.

Checkmate! 5 Points

Clear floor 1.

Dig it! 5 Points

Clear floor 2.

Lvl up! 5 Points

Clear floor 3.

That figures! 5 Points

Clear floor 4.

Aesthetic! 10 Points

Clear floor 5.

Sweet! 10 Points

Clear floor 6.

Spooky! 10 Points

Clear floor 7.

Good luck! 25 Points

Clear floor 8.

Happy mistake 50 Points

Destroy the Rob Boss.

Olive Monet 50 Points

Clear floor 10.

Olive van Gogh 50 Points

Clear floor 12.

Olive da Vinci 100 Points

Clear floor 14.

Omicron 10 Points

Unleash fever mode 20+ times.

Average mouse user 5 Points

Fail to cast a spell 100+ times.

Deviant Art 5 Points


Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Pack Your Bags

Medals Earned: 1/11 (10/500 points)

x3 perfect combo 10 Points

get three perfect notes in a row

Stupid door 5 Points

How to open them

x15 perfect combo 10 Points

Get a perfect combo of at least 15 notes

x30 perfect combo 50 Points

Get a perfect combo of at least 30 notes

x64 mega perfect combo 25 Points

Get a perfect combo of at least 64 notes

Beat the game 50 Points

Beat the final guy

Complete Finish 50 Points

Beat the boss without using the checkpoint

Semi Flawless Complete Finish 50 Points

Beat the game with at least 3 lives left

x100 ultra perfect combo 100 Points

Get a perfect combo of at least 100 notes

Flawless Complete Finish 100 Points

Beat the game without using the checkpoint or taking damage

95% mastery 50 Points

finish the game with over 95% completion

Party Pooper

Medals Earned: 2/9 (15/200 points)

Cat 5 Points

Talk to the cat

Gamer 10 Points

Win a game

Shit Yourself 5 Points

Lose the game

The Greatest Philly Cheesesteak 10 Points

Make and give the greatest Philly Cheesesteak

Is that.... 10 Points


Dig Friends Forever! 10 Points

Do something...

Shit Success 50 Points

Shit in the toilet

Express Delivery 50 Points

Avoid shitting yourself in less than 90 seconds (real time)

HOLEY SHIT 50 Points

Get a secret ending...

Reimagine :The Game:

Medals Earned: 3/12 (175/440 points)

Unzipping in the No-Fly Zone 25 Points

Finish one third of the levels.

Charged With Battery 50 Points

Finish two thirds of the levels.

The End The Game 100 Points

Finish all the levels... Oh, but that's JUST the levels!

Finding Out Who Your REAL Friends Are 5 Points

Share this game! Your REAL friends will weep for you.

Death By Slow Internet 10 Points

Get 1000 points on the Preloader game. YOU MONSTER

Baby I Was Born To Survive 25 Points

Pass Lady Gaga The Game without dying.


Complete Inception The Game in under 30 seconds.

Not That Dying On Lost MEANS Dying On Lost 25 Points

Pass LOST THE GAME (haha) without dying.

So Vivid And Intense 25 Points

Pass Rainbows The Game without dying.

Too Soon, Finish Late 25 Points

Survive Earthquakes The Game for 30 seconds.

Viewer Number 301 25 Points

Complete Youtube The Game in under 15 seconds.


Unlock EVERYTHING. Now, you can play the game as your OWN character. SUCCESS.